CLARIN-IT Café Espresso @ AIUCD 2021
CLARIN-IT Café Espresso - This is CLARIN-IT, how can we help you?
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Virtual Event @ AIUCD 2021 - 10th edition of AIUCD Annual Event - Tuesday 19th January 2021 - 14:00-16:00
This workshop is organized by CLARIN-IT and is part of the new series of webinars launched by CLARIN ERIC, the CLARIN Cafés, informal meetings with a series of short invited talks (5 minutes maximum each) which leave plenty of room for discussion.
Our Italian coffee will obviously be a "Café Espresso", with short presentations by various members of CLARIN-IT.
We will present the CLARIN infrastructure, dedicated to language resources, and the Italian consortium, highlighting the advantages of joining CLARIN and how the various groups have benefited from CLARIN and contributed to its activities.
We will then discuss the opportunities for the AIUCD community, with particular reference to what CLARIN-IT services can offer to those participating in national (PRIN) and international projects.
The event will be bilingual, with presentations and discussion in either Italian or English.
To attend the CLARIN-IT Café Espresso, Registration (free of charge) to AIUCD 2021 is required by 17:00 of 15th January 2021.
Don't forget your cups!
- Francesca Frontini (ILC-CNR, CLARIN ERIC Board of Directors)
CLARIN-IT - Presentation of the Consortium
- Monica Monachini (ILC-CNR, CLARIN-IT National Coordinator)
Resources and Tools for the Italian Language
- ILC4CLARIN, the Italian CLARIN B-Centre, Riccardo Del Gratta (ILC-CNR, ILC4CLARIN Repository Manager)
- ParlaMINT, the Debates of the Italian Senate in a Large Multilingual Parliamentary Corpus for the COVID Era, Giulia Venturi (ILC-CNR)
Regional Languages and Speech Archives
- Eurac Research CLARIN Centre: Opening the Door for Corpus Research, Egon Waldemar Stemle (IAL-EURAC)
- Oral Archives and CLARIN-IT. What Has Been Done, and Where Are We Going?, Silvia Calamai (DSFUCI-UniSI) & Francesca Stamuli (SAB-TOS)
Digital Classics
- More "Tea for Two": through the Looking-Glass, and What ALIM and CLARIN Found There, Marina Buzzoni (UniVE)
- CLARIN-IT and Ancient Fragmentary Texts: a New Digital and Critical Edition for Ancient Greek Poetry, Anika Nicolosi (UniPR)
- No CLARIN, No Resource. Mapping the CIRCSE Research Centre to CLARIN, Marco Passarotti (CIRCSE-UniCatt)
This is CLARIN-IT, how can we help you?
- CLARIN-IT Work Plan for 2021, Monica Monachini (ILC-CNR, CLARIN-IT National Coordinator)
- We Need You to Help You: Let's Engage with CLARIN-IT!, Valeria Quochi (ILC-CNR, CLARIN-IT User Involvement Manager)
- Stay Tuned on CLARIN-IT, Paola Baroni (ILC-CNR, CLARIN-IT and ILC4CLARIN Web & Communication Manager, CLARIN-IT Membership Procedures and Coordination)
Discussion and Questions from the Public
Conclusion and Greetings
Conclusion and Greetings
The video recording and presentation slides will be soon available in the CLARIN Web page dedicated to the CLARIN-IT Café Espresso @ AIUCD 2021.