CLARIN-IT was present at the CLARIN Annual Conference 2023, which took place as a hybrid event: in Leuven, by invitation only, and in a virtual form, like in its three previous editions, for the general public.
Day 1
In the morning of 16th October 2023:
  • Monica Monachini represented CLARIN-IT in the meeting of the "CLARIN National Coordinators' Forum";
  • Riccardo Del Gratta represented ILC4CLARIN in the meeting of the "Standing Committee on CLARIN Technical Centres";
  • Valeria Quochi represented CLARIN-IT in the meeting of the "User Involvement Committee";
  • Fahad Khan represented CLARIN-IT in the meeting of the "CLARIN Standards Committee";
  • Federico Boschetti represented DiPText-KC in the meeting of the "Knowledge Infrastructure Committee".
In the afternoon of 16th October 2023:
  • the following paper was introduced in the "Session: Papers (Poster Format)":
    • The Making of the CLARIN Resource Family for Oral History: Lessons Learned from ‘Voices from Ravensbrück’ (poster) by Stefania Scagliola, Silvia Calamai, Henk Van Den Heuvel and Christoph Draxler.
Day 2
In the morning of 17th October 2023:
  • the following paper was introduced in the "Thematic Session: Infrastructure":
    • CLARIN-IT: Texts, Documents and New Contexts (slides) by Federico Boschetti, Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Riccardo Del Gratta, Francesca Frontini and Monica Monachini;
  • in the "Teachers' Workshop: Using CLARIN in Training and Education":
    • Francesca Frontini welcomed the participants and introduced the event.
In the afternoon of 17th October 2023:
  • the following poster was introduced in the "PhD Poster Session":
    • Unveiling Publishers' Memoirs: a CLARIN-Enabled Investigation into Publishers' Autobiographies and the Dynamics of Book Production (poster) by Marco De Cristofaro;
  • the following paper was introduced in the "Thematic Session: Tools":
    • Domain-Specific Languages for Epigraphy: The Case of ItAnt (slides) by Luca Rigobianco, Federico Boschetti and Valeria Quochi;
  • the following contributions were introduced at the CLARIN Bazaar 2023:
    • CKCMC: CLARIN K(nowledge)-Centre for Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media Corpora by Lionel Nicolas and Egon Stemle;
    • Making the CLARIN Training Materials FAIR-by-Design (poster) by Iulianna van der Lek, Francesca Frontini, Darja Fišer and Alexander König;
    • DigItAnt: A Platform for Creating and Exploring Digital Resource Ecosystems for Ancient Languages by Valeria Quochi, Federico Boschetti and Monica Monachini.
Day 3
In the morning of 18th October 2023:
  • the following paper was introduced in the "Thematic Session: Corpora":
    • A New CLARIN Resource Family for Lexical Semantic Change Research (slides) by Paola Marongiu, Fahad Khan and Barbara McGillivray.
In the afternoon of 18th October 2023:
  • in the "K-Centre Workshop (Part I)":
    • Federico Boschetti represented DiPText-KC;
    • Lionel Nicolas represented CKCMC.
Day 4
In the morning of 19th October 2023:
  • in the "K-Centre Workshop (Part II)":
    • Federico Boschetti represented DiPText-KC;
    • Lionel Nicolas represented CKCMC;
    • Francesca Frontini introduced the section "Collaboration with European Initiatives".