

Who can join CLARIN-IT
CLARIN-IT is open to the participation of legal entities (organisations) working in the sector of Language Resources and Technology (developers and producers), which can ask to become Members of the Consortium.
Individuals (users in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences and Digital Humanities) can express their interest in CLARIN-IT but can not ask to become Members of the Consortium.
All the Members of the Consortium should use the CLARIN-IT metadata scheme for the documentation relating to their own resources and technology and store their own resources and technology in an appropriate (own or, if requested, hosted) repository.

Why joining CLARIN-IT
Becoming Members of the Consortium, organisations working in the sector of Language Resources and Technology have the following advantages:
  • the inclusion of their own resources, technology and services in the CLARIN Virtual Language Observatory;
  • a support for the use of CMDI metadata;
  • the free assignation of persistent identifiers for their own resources and technology;
  • the possible hosting of their own resources and technology (with licences set by the provider and credits of the provider);
  • the insertion of their e-mail addresses in a mailing list to receive information and updates about new resources and technology available, events etc. .
Individuals who express their interest in CLARIN-IT have the following advantages:
  • a federated access to the resources, technology and services available in the CLARIN Virtual Language Observatory that require authentication;
  • a direct line with CLARIN for problems of authentication;
  • the insertion of their e-mail addresses in a mailing list to receive information and updates about new resources and technology available, events etc. .
How to join CLARIN-IT
Organisations that wish to share their own resources and technology through CLARIN-IT and access resources and technology of others have to fill in the membership application form and send it in PDF format to the CLARIN-IT National Coordinator.
Individuals who wish to share their own resources and technology through CLARIN-IT and access resources and technology of others can fill in the expression of interest form and send it in PDF format to the CLARIN-IT National Coordinator.
Individuals who just wish to access the resources and technology available through CLARIN-IT can fill in the registration form.