Awareness Raising in the Community


  1. First CLARIN-PLUS Workshop on Oral History (Oxford, 18-19/04/2016)
      - "The ILC audio-video Archives and the History of Computational Linguistics", contribution by Francesca Frontini
      - "Building an open oral archive: the case of the Grammo-foni ( project", contribution by Silvia Calamai
  2. LREC 2016 (Portorož, 23-28/05/2016)
      + HLT Projects Village (Portorož, 25-27/05/2016)
           - CLARIN-IT @ CLARIN Booth
  3. IDEM Day 2016 (08/06/2016)
      - "CLARIN-IT: Servizi per la comunità italiana delle Scienze Umane e Sociali", contribution by Monica Monachini
  4. GARR News > Internazionale (June 2016)
      - "CLARIN, the infrastructure that makes us rediscover Babel", interview by Diana Cresti to Monica Monachini
  5. AIUCD Annual Conference 2016 (Venezia, 07-09/09/2016)
      - "CLARIN-IT, l’Infrastruttura di Ricerca per le Scienze Umane e Sociali", contribution by Monica Monachini
      - Survey on CLARIN-IT
  6. CLARIN-PLUS Workshop on Digital Collections of Newspapers (19-21/09/2016)
      - "Computational linguistics + data visualization: Towards the interactive exploration of newspaper data", contribution by Rachele Sprugnoli (video recording)
  7. Curso de Verano 2016 "New trends in quantitative and computational linguistics" (Ciudad Real, 28-29 /09/2016)
      - "Language Resources and Infrastructures for Digital Humanities", contribution by Monica Monachini
  8. Workshop "Utilizzo e diffusione di metodi, strumenti e tecnologie digitali per gli studi filologici: l'applicazione della filologia digitale al greco antico" (Parma, 10/10/2016), organized by Anika Nicolosi at the University of Parma
      - "Infrastrutture di ricerca nel settore umanistico", contribution by Monica Monachini
  9. Seminar "Le risorse informatiche applicate alle discipline umanistiche: strumenti e metodi con esempi sull’utilizzo didattico nelle discipline classiche" (Parma, 10/10/2016), organized by Anika Nicolosi at the University of Parma
      - "Infrastrutture di ricerca nel settore umanistico", contribution by Monica Monachini
  10. CLARIN Annual Conference 2016 (Aix-en-Provence, 26-28/10/2016)
      + Bazaar (Aix-en-Provence, 27/10/2016)
           - "The ALCIDE platform: ongoing work for the analysis of political discourse", poster by Sara Tonelli
           - "Web Services for Latin Morphological Analysis", poster by Federico Boschetti
  11. CLARIN DSpace Workshop (Prague, 08-10/11/2016)
      - "LINDAT-DSpace @ CNR-ILC", contribution by Riccardo Del Gratta
  12. CLARIN MCAT Workshop (Ljubljana, 10-11/11/2016)
      - "Linguistic Services and Resources @ ILC", contribution by Riccardo Del Gratta
  13. PARTHENOS WP3 Meeting (Roma, 14/11/2016)
      - "CLARIN-IT: Language Resources and Infrastructures for Digital Humanities", contribution by Monica Monachini
  14. GARR 2016 Conference "The CreActive NEtwork: uno spazio per creare e condividere nuova conoscenza" (Firenze, 30/11/2016-02/12/2016)
      - "Corpora digitali: dall’obsolescenza tecnologica, alla salvaguardia e alla condivisione", contribution by Eva Sassolini (paper | slides)
  15. Second CLARIN-PLUS Workshop on Oral History (Utrecht, 06-07/12/2016)
  1. CLARIN-ITIFY (Pisa, 17/03/2017), presentation of CLARIN-IT & ILC4CLARIN at ILC-CNR, by Monica Monachini, Alessandro Enea, Paola Baroni, Riccardo Del Gratta, Sebastiana Cucurullo and Valeria Quochi
  2. CLARIN-PLUS Workshop on Parliamentary Records (Sofia, 27-29 March 2017)
      - "Parliamentary proceedings in Italian Senate. Current management and perspectives", invited contribution by Manuela Ruisi (Italian Senate) (abstract, slides)
      - "Methods and Techniques for the Analysis of Parliamentary Records: Two Case Studies on Italian", contribution by Simonetta Montemagni (slides)
  3. Third CLARIN-PLUS Workshop on Oral History  (Arezzo 08-10/05/2017)
      - "About the data infrastructure in the country and how our services could fit into that & access to data, tools, metadata for the research community at large & IPR / informed consent / ethical issues", contribution by Monica Monachini
  4. Survey "Current practice with Digital Classics tools" (31/05/2017)
  5. Summer School "Digital Tools for the Humanities" (Pisa, 12-16/06/2017) (report), co-organized and supported by CLARIN-IT
  6. CLARIN Annual Conference 2017 (Budapest, 18-20/09/2017)
      + Paper Session 2 (Budapest, 19/09/2017)
           - "Authorship and Ownership in the Digital Oral Archives Domain: The Gra,fo Digital Archive in the CLARIN-IT Repository", paper by Silvia Calamai and Francesca Biliotti (abstract | slides)
      + Poster Session (Budapest, 20/09/2017)
           - "Digital Classics: A Survey of the Needs of Ancient Greek Scholars in Italy", poster by Monica Monachini, Anika Nicolosi and Alberto Stefanini (abstract)
           - "CLARIN-IT: State of Affairs, Challenges and Opportunities", poster by Lionel Nicolas, Alexander König, Monica Monachini, Riccardo Del Gratta, Silvia Calamai, Andrea Abel, Alessandro Enea, Francesca Biliotti and Valeria Quochi (abstract)
  7. Final Ceremony of the University Master of 1st Level in Digital Humanities (a.y. 2016-2017) directed by the Ca' Foscari University Venice (Venezia, 03/11/2017) (link broken)
      - "Humanities: advantages, opportunities and benefits of the CLARIN Research Infrastructure and the CLARIN-IT national node for the Italian community", keynote lecture by Monica Monachini
  8. CLARIN-IT Patronage to the University Master of 1st Level in Digital Humanities (a.y. 2017-2018) directed by the Ca' Foscari University Venice
  9. Workshop "Digital Humanities and Greek Philology: resources and research infrastructures applied to the study of ancient Greek" - Part 1 (Parma, 20/11/2017), organized by Anika Nicolosi at the University of Parma
      - "Infrastructures of Research and Classical Studies. CLARIN-IT: opportunities and perspectives", lecture by Monica Monachini
  10. DI4R 2017 (Bruxelles, 30/11/2017-01/12/2017)
      - "(Re)Using OpeNER and PANACEA Web Services in the CLARIN Research Infrastructure", poster by Riccardo Del Gratta (abstract)
  11. Workshop "Digital Humanities and Greek Philology: resources and research infrastructures applied to the study of ancient Greek" - Part 2 (Parma, 01/12/2017), organized by Anika Nicolosi at the University of Parma
      - "New technologies and new investigations: CLARIN-IT and some examples of application to the study of ancient Greek", lecture by Monica Monachini
  12. Course "Digital Humanities: Web Resources, Tools and Infrastructures" (Venezia, 04/12/2017), organized by Federico Boschetti at the Venice International University
      - "Digital Humanities and Research Infrastructures: CLARIN and CLARIN-IT", lecture by Monica Monachini
  1. AIUCD Annual Conference 2018 (Bari, 31/01/2018- 02/02/2018)
      - "An experiment on the development of a digital edition for ancient Greek fragmentary poetry: A case study on Archilochus of Paros", contribution by Alberto Stefanini, Anika Nicolosi and Monica Monachini (AIUCD 2018 - Book of Abstracts, pages 85-88)
  2. CLARIN - Eurac Research Meeting (Bolzano, 04-05/04/2018)
  3. Meeting about Research Infrastructures and CLARIN at the headquarters of Tuscany Region (Firenze, 24/05/2018)
  4. Open Science & The Humanities Conference 2018 (Barcelona, 21/06/2018)
      - "CLARIN(-IT) for Open Humanities. The European infrastructure for language resources and the FAIR data principles", contribution by Valeria Quochi
  5. CLARIN-IT Info Day @ University of Pisa (Pisa, 29/06/2018)
  6. CLARIN Annual Conference 2018 (Pisa, 08-10/10/2018), locally organized by CLARIN-IT
      + Opening Session (Pisa, 08/10/2018)
           - "The CLARIN-IT Technology Infrastructure" (Pisa, 09/10/2018), presentation by Monica Monachini
      + PhD Students Poster Slam​ (Pisa, 09/10/2018)
           - "Corpus-driven conversational agents: tools and resources for multimodal dialogue systems development", poster by Maria Di Maro
      + Bazaar (Pisa, 09/10/2018)
           - "Querying and navigation historical mono and bilingual corpora for DH: new approaches"​, poster by Eva Sassolini, Sebastiana Cucurullo and Alessandra Cinini
      + Poster Slam​ (Pisa, 10/10/2018)
           - "Linked Open Data and the Enrichment of Digital Editions: the Contribution of CLARIN to the Digital Classics", poster by Monica Monachini, Francesca Frontini, Anika Nicolosi and Fahad Khan
           - "Looking for hidden speech archives in Italian institutions", poster by Vincenzo Galatà and Silvia Calamai
           - "DI-ÖSS - Building a digital infrastructure in South Tyrol", poster by Verena Lyding, Alexander König and Elisa Gorgaini
  7. ILC 50 - Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Institute for Computational Linguistics "A. Zampolli" (11/10/2018)
      - "Il Nodo Italiano dell'Infrastruttura Europea CLARIN: CLARIN-IT", poster by Monica Monachini
  1. AISV 2019: Audio Archives at the Crossroads of Speech Sciences, Digital Humanities and Digital Heritage (Arezzo, 14-16/02/2019)
      - Round Table on Speech Archives (Arezzo, 16/02/2019), moderated by Silvia Calamai, with the participation of Monica Monachini
      - CLARIN Tutorial "Creating, Managing and Analysing Speech Databases using BAS Services and Emu" (Arezzo, 16/02/2019)
  2. Tour de CLARIN: Italy (Pisa and Bolzano, 01/02/2019-31/03/2019), organized by Darja Fišer, Jakob Lenardič, Monica Monachini, Alessandro Enea, Paola Baroni, Valeria Quochi and Riccardo Del Gratta, with contributions by Alexander König, Andrea Abel, Andrea Bellandi, Fahad Khan, Anika Nicolosi and Beatrice Nava (brochure)
      - Stop 1 - Tour de CLARIN: Italy
      - Stop 2 - CLARIN-IT presents: MERLIN - A Written Learner Corpus for Czech, German, and Italian
      - Stop 3 - CLARIN-IT presents LexO: Where Lexicography Meets the Semantic Web
      - Stop 4 - CLARIN-IT presents their Roadshow Seminars
      - Stop 5 - Tour de CLARIN: Interview with Beatrice Nava
  3. Research Day Italy-Slovenia (Nova Gorica, 16/04/2019) (programme)
      - "CLARIN-IT, ELEXIS and SSHOC as success stories of collaboration", contribution by Monica Monachini
  4. Meeting at the Superintendency of the Tuscany Region (Firenze, 20/05/2019)
      - "CLARIN-IT and Oral Archives", presentation by Monica Monachini
  5. CLARIN-IT promotion of the PhD Course 'UMANESIMO E TECNOLOGIE' (Cycle XXXV – Academic Years 2019/2022) directed by the University of Macerata for its relevance to CLARIN and its objectives (Pisa, 28/05/2019)
  6. Workshop "A multidisciplinary approach to the use of technology in research using interview methods: the case of interview data" (Utrecht, 09/07/2019), co-organized by Silvia Calamai in co-location with the Conference Digital Humanities 2019 (DH2019), supported by SSHOC
  7. Invited CLARIN Workshop "Transc&Anno: A Graphical Tool for the Transcription and On-the-Fly Annotation of Handwritten Documents" (Warsaw, 11/09/2019), co-organized by Nadezda Okinina and Lionel Nicolas in conjunction with the 5th Learner Corpus Research Conference (LCR 2019) (Warsaw, 12-14/09/2019)
  8. BRIGHT 2019 (Pisa, 27/09/2019)
      - " 'Commerce' meets CLARIN: going wild with French! ", initiative by Antonietta Sanna and Federico Boschetti
  9. CLARIN-IT Patronage to the University Master of 1st Level in Digital Humanities (a.y. 2019-2020) directed by the Ca' Foscari University Venice
  10. CLARIN Annual Conference 2019 (Leipzig, 30/09/2019-02/10/2019)
      + Bazaar (Leipzig, 01/10/2019)
           - "Archipelago DH: Computational Linguistics meets (more and more) Digital Humanities", poster by Federico Boschetti
           - "Folk in Tuscany: the Caterina Bueno sound archive", poster by Monica Monachini, Maria Francesca Stamuli and Silvia Calamai
      + Poster Slam (Leipzig, 02/10/2019)
           - "Enhancing Lexicography by Means of the Linked Data Paradigm: LexO for CLARIN", poster by Andrea Bellandi, Fahad Khan and Monica Monachini
           - "CLARIN-IT and the Definition of a Digital Critical Edition for Ancient Greek Poetry: a New Project for Ancient Fragmentary Texts with a Complex Tradition", poster by Anika Nicolosi, Monica Monachini and Beatrice Nava (poster)
  11. CLARIN-IT support to VeDPH Seminars in Digital Public Humanities (Series 2019) (10/10/2019)
  12. VeDPH Seminar in Digital Public Humanities "CLARIN-IT nella prospettiva delle Digital Humanities" (Venezia, 23/10/2019), by Monica Monachini
  13. Training Seminar on “Legal Issues and Language and Resources Technologies” at ILC-CNR (Pisa, 05-07/11/2019), organized by ILC4CLARIN