CLARIN-IT in Times of COVID-19

Coronavirus Questionnaire
The WageIndicator Foundation, which is part of the community of the project SSHOC - "Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud" (H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2020 Call | Grant Agreement No. 823782), has launched Living and Working in Times of the Coronavirus, a survey on the effects of COVID-19 on our life, work and mood.
It is a voluntary survey currently covering 134 countries and 38 languages and requiring the simple compilation of an anonymous questionnaire.
The survey results are shown in maps and graphs updated daily.
CLARIN, which hosts the WageIndicator research infrastructure, has promoted the survey.
The various national nodes of CLARIN, including CLARIN-IT, are responsible for promoting the survey in their countries.
The survey is an inexhaustible source of data for sociological analyses and investigations.

CLARIN-IT for WIF Survey
by filling in the following Questionnaire (in Italian)

Please, distribute the questionnaire link - - to your friends, colleagues, social networks contacts etc. in Italy.
PDF Icon


Other Initiatives
CLARIN-IT promoted the Campaign for Smart Working launched by the Euromobility Association.
This campaign, started with a national survey to probe - through a Questionnaire addressed to Employees and a Questionnaire addressed to Employers - how Italians are living the Smart Working experience in full Coronavirus emergency, ended on 16th June 2020.